Specializing in Child Abuse
Training and Resources
It is well known that in cases in which abused children have died, social workers and other professionals did not relate to them effectively.
Much less well understood is how often and why such invisibility occurs.
(Ferguson, 2016)
Standards of practice must guide how people actually practice – not how they are trained, not how they think about practice, not how they discuss practice, but what they actually do. Standards provide bounds for practice (Dawes, 1995).
Lynn's passion for creating training resources
Lynn Barry is dedicated to improving the standards of child investigative interviewing through improved resources/training and increased organizational accountability and transparency. Her mission is to ensure that child investigators are well-trained so that children are accurately heard, understood,and protected. She has over 30 years of evidence-based investigative interviewing and teaching experience.
Training and Consulting
Child Investigative Interviewing Training Courses
Lynn teaches child investigative interviewing and investigation to child protection and police organizations, and has been doing so for over 30 years. Her training is dynamic, engaging, current and evidence based.
Face-To-Face Interviewing Training
Lynn teaches child investigative interviewing and investigation to child protection and police organizations, and has been doing so for over 30 years. Her training is dynamic, engaging, current and evidence based. Various workshop formats available
Handbook on Child Investigative Interviewing: A guide for child protection workers
Coming SOON!!!
Contact Lynn for pre-order sale prices!
Independent Reviewer
Lynn provides expert consulting services to help organizations improve their child investigative interviewing practices. She is available to conduct independent reviews of child investigative interviews to help improve future interviews and is an expert witness in court on investigative interviewing and child development.
Child Investigative Interviewing Resource and Training Program
Lynn provides organizational child abuse trainers with specialized curricula and training resources on child abuse interviewing and investigation. Lynn's resources are well-researched, evidence-based, dynamic, current, and engaging.